Number of jobs in queue: 10

API usage paused for 0 seconds

Oracle price: 0.00 USD


This website is currently in Pre-alpha state. It means that things aren't very stable and a lot of things will be changed in the near future. The whole site started out as something we used to find answer for our own questions, and with that lots of things has been pure hacks. This site hasn't been announced anywhere, and that's on purpose. We do not want too many users until we have managed to develop it into a more serious product.

Before the site enters its Beta state we have a lot of cleanup to do, not the least removing a lot of duplicated code. It's also required that we move a lot of background processing from Ajax requests into a queue processed by background workers. This will prevent most of the timeouts for example, but also make a smoother experience with more proper user-feedback in terms of progressing.

All data displayed is retrieved from the Helium Blockchain API, we do not have our own ETL server.

The current priority is not to have focus on user-friendly, but on functionallity. This may very well change in the future though.


If you like the site and would like to support further development? Feel free to add HNT into the site's wallet.